Quick A-Z Food Lookup

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Flying on Airplanes with Guinea Pigs

In past posts, we have talked about what options humans have for their guinea pigs when going out of town, and took an in-depth look at car trips with your guinea pig (both short and long trips). In this post, we're going to explore issues and options when it comes to flying with your guinea pig. As mentioned in those previous posts, we prefer staying in familiar environments, and find travel to be stressful. So, if you're just flying somewhere for a couple days and then coming home, you're probably better off looking into other options than bringing your guinea pig on a plane. However, just like with driving, sometimes flying might be your best (or only) option, such as if you are moving overseas.
Credit: "When Guinea Pigs Fly" by Lesley DeSantis.
If you have determined that flying with your guinea pigs is necessary, here's what you need to know:

Before You Fly

  • Before traveling, make an appointment with your vet. Some states require a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) from a licensed veterinarian, which indicates your pet is healthy enough to travel and is free of communicable diseases. For example, guinea pigs must have a CVI within 7 days prior to arriving in Hawaii. Even if it's not required for your travel plans, it's still a good idea to discuss your travel plans with your vet first to make sure your guinea pig is healthy enough to fly. Note that very young and very old guinea pigs might not be good candidates for flying, and neither are pregnant guinea pigs.
  • Make sure you research the laws and policies of the state or country you plan to visit. For example, if you were planning on moving to Guam with your pet, you should be aware of their strict policies to prevent the spread of rabies that include vaccinations, microchips, and blood serum tests. Even though guinea pigs "rarely get rabies and have not been known to cause rabies among humans in the United States," the Guam webpage uses the terms "pets" and "animals," which would seem to include guinea pigs. When traveling to another country, you should contact their consulate first (at least 4 weeks in advance of your planned trip) to ask about their health and quarantine requirements for guinea pigs. Certain states and countries are stricter than others; Australia, Britain, New Zealand and Hawaii are said to be particularly strict with their pet requirements.
    • We cannot stress enough that you need to take this very seriously! If you do not have the required paperwork for state or country you are traveling to, "you run a very high risk of having your guinea pig confiscated, quarantined, or in some extreme cases even destroyed." Don't risk your guinea pigs' life by being too lazy to make a few phone calls and send a few emails! A good place to start your research is to call the USDA at (800) 545-8732 and ask about what forms are required for your specific travel plans.
  • Try to book a non-stop flight to reach your destination as quickly as possible and minimize the amount of time we'll be spending in a stressful situation. In addition, be aware that if your connecting flight is on a different airline, there may be different policies on guinea pigs between them.
  • Make sure you buy a carrier that is large enough for your guinea pigs to comfortably move around, but not so large that it exceeds the maximum size allowed by the airline. In addition, if the carrier suddenly moves or falls over, there is a greater risk of injury in large carriers since there's more room for your guinea pig to roll around. Many guinea pig-specific carriers are too small. Small cat carriers tend to be good choices. Include plenty of towels and/or fleece lining to help keep us warm. Bring food for us as well.
    • We've heard that PetTravelStore.com's Pet Carrier for Small Animals is a good choice for flying with guinea pigs. It's supposed to be a good size for small animal comfort, and compliant with airline size requirements. We haven't tried it ourselves, however. (Let us know in the comments if anyone has.)

Ways to Travel with Your Guinea Pig

  • Carrying on your pet: This is where your guinea pig can travel with you in the cabin. This is the preferred option.
  • Checking your pet: This where your guinea pig is accepted as checked baggage. Due to noise, temperature changes, pressure changes, and other stressful conditions, this is not a preferred option. Pets have been known to die from these conditions on rare occasions; even if the chance of this happening is very low,  flying is stressful enough for a guinea pig without the added risks and discomforts of being treated as baggage or cargo.
  • Shipping your pet as cargo: This is where your guinea pig is shipped without the owner, and will be made available for pickup at a cargo facility. As with checking your pet, this is not a preferred option.

Guinea Pig Policies for US Airlines

Pet policies vary by airline. Some will let you carry on your guinea pig; most will not. Airline officials have said that the reasons they don't allow animals other than dogs and cats as carry-on is because dogs and cats are required to receive vaccinations, and owners are required to show proof of this, while animals like guinea pigs are not. In addition, they worry that small animals like guinea pigs would be difficult to catch if they escaped their carriers.

If you can find an airline that accepts guinea pigs, make sure you let the airline know you have a guinea pig at the time you make your reservations. Reconfirm with them that you will be bringing your guinea pig 24-48 hours before departure. Only a certain number of pets are allowed on each flight, and these are usually given out on a first-come, first-serve basis. You'll want to take every precaution that you don't show up at the airport with your guinea pig for nothing.
We currently only know of a few airlines that are believed to allow you to carry on your guinea pig (always confirm with the airline before making travel plans!):
  • Frontier Airlines: Guinea pigs are allowed to fly in the cabin on Frontier on domestic flights only. Only dogs and cats may be carried on international flights. There is a $75 fee for this service. Your pet carrier will count as your carry-on or personal item. Carriers need to large enough for pets to stand up, lie down and turn around, but cannot exceed the maximum dimensions of 24" length x 16" width x 10" height. No more than 2 guinea pigs per carrier are allowed. Certain seats on the plane cannot accommodate carry on pets, such as exit rows.
  • Island Air (Hawaii): Guinea pigs are accepted in the cabin on this airline, although they will require "State Dept. of Agriculture inspection."  Only 4 pets are allowed per flight, and only 2 in the cabin. Pet carriers must fit comfortably under the seat. There is a $35 fee for this service.
  • Ravn Alaska: The language used on their website suggests guinea pigs should be allowed in the cabin (although you should call to confirm before planning a trip with them). Animals crossing state lines must have a current health certificate from their vet. There is a $75 fee for this service, which increases to $100 if connecting to other airlines or checking your pet.  
Other US Airlines have stricter policies:

If Your Airline Doesn't Allow Guinea Pigs

  • In some cases, it may be possible to get exceptions to standard pet policies if your pet receives a special classification. 
    • Service animals are defined by the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) as "dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities." As far as we know, it is not possible for a guinea pig to be considered a service animal. 
    • Emotional support animals (ESA), also known as comfort animals, provide therapeutic support to people with mental illness. To be an ESA, there must be a prescription from a mental health professional stating that the human has a major impairment, and the animal helps with their condition.
      • Some airlines do have special accommodation policies listed for ESAs. For example, while Alaska Airlines normally does not allow guinea pigs as carry on pets, they also state: "You may travel with an emotional/psychiatric support animal in the cabin if you are a qualified individual with a disability and certain documentation requirements are met."  In 2013, a student at Grand Valley State University sued the school to have her guinea pig consider an ESA due to her pacemaker and chronic depression, and the school settled the lawsuit. If you have a legitimate mental health issue that your guinea pig helps you with, don't be afraid to look into getting them registered as an ESA!
        • However, we would like to emphasize that this should only be used if you have a legitimate mental health issue. Skeptical articles of ESAs are starting to appear in the media (e.g. The New Yorker, The New York Times), in part due to people abusing the system. Don't contribute to this.
    • Therapy animals "provide affection and comfort to various members of the public, typically in facility settings such as hospitals, retirement homes, and schools." Therapy animals do not generally receive special accommodations from airlines and other businesses, however. 
  • Another option you can look into is a specialized pet transportation services. However, make sure you do your research on them first! You'll want to make sure that your guinea pig would be in the main cabin and not in a cargo area, and you'll want to check their online reviews to ensure they're someone you'd want to entrust your guinea pig with. Some companies include (not necessarily recommended):

International Travel with Guinea Pigs

  • If you plan on flying your guinea pig internationally, things can get even more complicated.
    • There is probably going to be a lot of paperwork involved. One person who was moving to Germany claimed she needed to get her guinea pig a European Union (EU) pet passport, a CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) certificate "saying she is not wild caught nor an endangered species," a "USDA certificate saying she's healthy and not directly harmful to humans," and "a US Fish and Wildlife certificate saying she's not an invasive species."
    • An admin at guineapigcages.com gave the following advice about traveling overseas with guinea pigs: "Start well ahead of when you think you will need to to get all the forms, certificates, etc. You'll need to talk to government agencies as well as to airlines. Keep notes on who said what when so you can refer back to them when arguing with the next agency."
    • The USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has a page on traveling with pets that has some good information to get you started.
    • Due to the complexities involved with traveling internationally with your pet, we're only going to be able to scratch the surface here. (We may go more in-depth in a future post.)
Has anyone flown with your guinea pig before? If so, tell us about your experiences in the comments section!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Cavy Savvy 2014 Thanksgiving Giveaway Winner Announcement

Using a random number generator, we chose a winner from all valid entries to the Cavy Savvy 2014 Thanksgiving Giveaway. And the winner is... Arwen and Eowyn!

Congratulations, Arwen and Eowyn! You just won a Thanksgiving costume from Cuddly Cavy Creations! Please send us an email in the next 30 days with your mailing address to cavysavvyaguineapigblog@gmail.com and we will mail you your prize. (If you email us right away, it might actually arrive in time for Thanksgiving!)

In addition, because we received 10 unique entries, we will be donating $30 to the Metropolitan Guinea Pig Rescue!

Thank you to everyone who entered. If you didn't win this time, don't worry, we will have more giveaways in the future. Be sure that you are a follower of Cavy Savvy if you want to be considered for future giveaways. To follow us, just click the "join this site" button on the right.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Car Safety and Comfort for Guinea Pigs

We're generally not a fan of change. For example, when the humans let us roam, there are certain rooms that we never go into because they're unfamiliar to us. We tend to just stick to the rooms that are closest to our cage. Therefore, you can probably imagine that we're not thrilled about going for car rides. However, sometimes your humans might deem it necessary for you to take a car ride to go the vet, to attend a social event like a pignic, or if your humans need to go out of town and they don't have good pet-sitting options. If you absolutely have to ride in a car, here's what your human should know about keeping you safe and comfortable:
  • Trip Length: Unless it's absolutely necessary, try to keep road trips under 2 hours. If it's necessary to take longer trips, make sure you stop at least once every 2 hours (see below).
  • Carriers: Use a well-ventilated pet carrier rather than allowing us to roam free in cars. Cages are also generally not a good option since we could be thrown around. (If a cage is your only option for some reason, make sure it's secured, and there are no heavy objects in it that could hit us if you suddenly stop the car. Also, expect to get guinea pig poop in your car if you use a cage.) To get your guinea pig accustomed to a new carrier, before your trip, you can leave it on the floor during floor time for us to explore. For most car trips, we use All Living Things Small Animal Carrier (Large size). (This carrier is fine for just shorter trips, but if the humans were ever thinking about taking a 2+ hour trip, we may insist on something larger.)  Small cat carriers are a better option than guinea pig carriers that are too small. Line the bottom of our carriers with small towels or blankets. (Our humans took an old towel, cut it in half with scissors, and made a nice carpet for our carriers.) Some people like to add a layer of newspaper underneath the towel layer. Guinea pigs may share carriers if the carriers are large enough and there is no history of fighting between them; in fact, being together may be comforting to us.
  • Carrier Placement: Having some objects like boxes around us may help to keep our carriers secure, but don't put our carrier in an area that's too crowded with other objects, as this can impede air flow. Do not expose us to wind or direct sunlight. Ensure that our carrier is properly secured with a seat belt so that it won't go flying or fall on the floor if you hit the brakes. The back seat is preferable to the front seat. Putting us in the open bed of a pick up truck is extremely unsafe. Never put us in the trunk of the car, either.
  • Food and Water: According to Guinea Pig Today, allowing guinea pigs to eat while in a moving car is a choking hazard. On longer trips, plan to take breaks from driving where you can feed your guinea pig safely. Don't go longer than 2 hours between breaks. Make sure you offer us hay, vegetables, and our water bottle during these breaks. (Pellets may also be offered on especially long trips.) Vegetables like cucumbers can help prevent us from getting thirsty on car trips; it's a good idea to keep your vegetables in a cooler. Don't be surprised if we don't have much of an appetite due to the stress of traveling. It's a good idea to make sure we are well-fed before the car trip, unless your guinea pig is prone to motion sickness (in which case, withhold food and drink for no more than 2 hours before the trip).
  • Temperature: Be mindful of the temperature in the car, and use the AC or heater if necessary. Remember, the ideal temperature range for most guinea pigs is about 65°-75°F (18-24°C), and the ideal humidity level is about 50%. On very cold days, you may want to let the car heat up before bringing your guinea pig into it. In addition, try to keep the temperature and humidity from fluctuating too much.
  • Monitoring: Don't leave your guinea pigs alone in the car. Temperatures can change quickly, rising or falling out of our ideal temperature range, which can make us uncomfortable, sick, and even kill us. In addition, many states have laws that protect animals from being left alone in vehicles, and law enforcement may be allowed to break into your car to rescue an endangered animal. (By the way, if you happen to see a guinea pig or any other pet in serious danger due to being left unattended in a car, please call 911 immediately and let the authorities handle the situation.)
Here is a All Living Things Small Animal Carrier (Large size) secured with a seat belt in the back seat of a car. This carrier is a fine option for shorter trips. No one's in it now because we don't currently have a reason to go on a car trip. Honestly, you'd have to be crazy to leave a warm, comfortable pigloo to get into a pet carrier in a car on a cold November day just for a photo op.
Has your human ever taken you on a car trip? Tell us about your car experiences in the comments section!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Cavy Savvy 2014 Thanksgiving Giveaway!

It's been a while since we've held a giveaway, and Thanksgiving is fast approaching, so we figured this would be a great opportunity to show how thankful we are for the 256 (and counting) Cavy Savvy followers we have. Thanks to everyone for reading!

To show our thanks, we're going to be giving away a Thanksgiving costume this time to one lucky winner:

This is a product we have never reviewed before, so the winner will have the option of writing a guest post review of their costume if they want to.

Thanksgiving is not just about turkeys and pilgrims, however. Charity is also an important part of Thanksgiving, so we would like to give back to the less fortunate piggies out there. Therefore, we've convinced our humans to part with $20 of that money stuff they care so much about, plus $1 per entry we receive, up to a maximum of $50. The money will go to the Metropolitan Guinea Pig Rescue (MGPR), an organization that rescues, rehabilitates and finds good homes for guinea pigs. As an abandoned guinea pig himself, helping homeless guinea pigs is a subject very near and dear to Broccoli's heart; we encourage everyone to feel free to donate to MGPR on your own as well if you're feeling generous. They do good work.

As usual, here are the rules:

Giveaway Rules:
  • You must be a resident of the continental United States.
  • You have to be a follower of this blog. To follow us, just click the "join this site" button on the right.
  • To enter, leave a comment on this blog post expressing your interest in participating in the contest, as well as something you're thankful for.
  • All entries must be received by November 20th at 12:00 pm (US Eastern time) to be eligible.
  • One winner will be chosen at random from all eligible entries and announced on this blog on November 20th sometime after the giveaway closes. 
  • The winner will be instructed to email us to provide us with a mailing address to send the prize to. Winners must provide us with a mailing address within 30 days to receive their prize.
  • Winners have the option of writing a guest post for Cavy Savvy reviewing the product. Cavy Savvy reserves the right to edit or reject guest posts at our discretion.
  • A donation will be made to the Metropolitan Guinea Pig Rescue in the amount of $20 plus $1 per eligible entry, up to a maximum of $50.
Good luck!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

More Information on Texels!

Hi readers, this is Buffy. I know we've already told you a little bit about texels, but there's more you should know about us! For example:
  • Texels are prone to getting hay tangled up in our fur. Fur trims can help prevent this.
  • Texels (and certain other guinea pig breeds) are more prone to entropion, a condition where the eyelashes of newborns turn inward and irritate the eye. This can be treated with a sterile eye lubricant.
  • It is important to keep the hind leg nails of your texel clipped because if we scratch ourselves with long nails, we can pull hair out or start a tangle.
So we're perhaps a little more work than your average short-haired guinea pig, but we're totally worth it!

Does everyone remember Gloria, the texel I got to meet when we when to the pignic? Well, while we're on the subject of texels, the Metropolitan Guinea Pig rescue recently released a new video of her that I feel I have to share:

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Golden Nugget Squash?

If you do a web search for "golden nugget," you'll get a lot of casino-related search results. As far as we know, this squash has nothing to do with gambling, however. Golden Nugget Squash was actually developed at North Dakota State University in 1966. This squash is rather small compared to pumpkins and hubbard squash. Since golden nugget squash is a winter squash, we can have it 2-4 times per week.

It's smaller than most squash. I wonder if I can drag it through the door of my pigloo?
Munch, munch...
More squash!
How about you let me in there to get a nugget of Golden Nugget?
This is one tasty squash! Golden nugget squash gets 5/5 stars!