Saturday, June 28, 2014

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Gooseberries?

Those of you who have seen our new food list know that we have reviewed a lot of foods here at Cavy Savvy. However, there are still some foods out there that we know guinea pigs can eat, yet our humans haven't been able to locate for us. (For example, if anyone knows where the heck you can find feijoa, let us know!) Today, the humans came through for us and managed to track down a type of fruit we've had our eyes on for some time now: gooseberries. This one required a trip to the farmer's market, so if you're having trouble finding them, you may want to check there.

We can have gooseberries almost daily in 25 grams portions. Due to their low-sugar content, gooseberries can be a good choice for diabetic guinea pigs.
The humans gave us our usual blue plate, which has about 45 grams of gooseberries on it. (Remember, that's for three piggies!)
Yum! Hey, Lola! Why can't you share food and be nice for once!
Not sure if you decided to be nice and share, or if your foot just got tired from lifting up the plate, but either way, I'll take it! Can I just get in there? Please?
Thanks! I'm going to grab my gooseberry quickly before you two block the way again!
Gooseberries were pretty good! They had a somewhat intense flavor, kind of like cranberries, although not quite that intense. Because of this, we would have to take occasional breaks from eating gooseberries to cleanse our palettes with timothy hay, and then going back to eating them. We went through this cycle a few times, until we eventually left a few half-eaten berries for the humans to clean up. (They also have the option of eating our nibbled-on leftovers, but they never take advantage of it. What can I say? Humans are weird.) There weren't too many left behind, though. We'll give gooseberries 4/5 stars!


  1. Cool! Next time our owner goes to the local farmer's market, she'll try and find them. Should gooseberries, cranberries, carrots, etc. be washed before given to us piggies?
    Ashley & Wendy

    1. It's generally a good idea to rinse off your fruits and vegetables first to reduce your risk of food-borne illness. That applies to both humans and piggies. :-)
