- Feeding frequencies are approximate guidelines for that particular food only. You should also take into account your guinea pig's overall diet. For instance, you should not give your guinea pig multiple fruits that are listed as "1-2 times times per week" in a single day, as this would be way too much sugar. For information on planning your guinea pig's diet, see our post on Guinea Pig Nutrition and on choosing the right water for your guinea pig.
- Most foods are in 100 gram portions. Please take note of exceptions.
- Please read all reviews before feeding to find out which parts of the food are edible and which are not. (For example, artichokes have thorny parts that can be dangerous.)
- The feeding frequencies are for healthy guinea pigs. Certain medical conditions (e.g. diabetes) require special diets.
Name of Food | Feeding Frequency | Nutritional Links | Cavy Savvy Rating |
Apples | 1-2 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Apples, Lady | 1-2 per week | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Apples, Pink Pearl | 1-2 per week | My Fitness Pal | 5/5 stars |
Apricots | 1-2 per week | USDA | 3/5 stars |
Apriums | 1-2 per week | My Fitness Pal | 4/5 stars |
Artichokes | 2-4 per week | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Arugula | 2-4 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Asian Pears | 1-2 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Asparagus | 1-2 per week | USDA | 3/5 stars |
Banana | 1-2 per month [very small amounts] | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Basil | 1-2 per week [25 grams] | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Beets | 1-2 per week 1-2 per month for beet greens | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Belgian Endive | almost daily | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Blackberries | 2-4 per week [25 gram portions] | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Blueberries | 2-4 per week [25 gram portions] | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Broccoli | 1-2 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Broccoli, Chinese (Kai-lan, Gai-lan) | 1-2 per week | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Broccoli Raab / Broccoli Rabe / Rapini | 1-2 per week | USDA | 3.5/5 stars |
Broccolini | 1-2 per week | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Brussels Sprouts | 1-2 per week | USDA | 3/5 stars |
Cabbage, Alcosa | 2-4 per week | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Cabbage, Bok Choy | 1-2 per week | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Cabbage, Green | 2-4 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Cabbage, Red | 2-4 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Cabbage, Savoy | 2-4 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Cabbage, Stonehead | 2-4 per week | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Carrots | almost daily [about 1 baby carrot] | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Carrots, Atlas | almost daily [about 1 baby carrot] | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Carrots, Purple | almost daily [about 1 baby carrot] | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Carrots, Red | almost daily [about 1 baby carrot] | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Carrots, White | almost daily [about 1 baby carrot] | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Cauliflower | 1-2 per week | USDA | 4.5/5 stars |
Celeriac (Celery Root) | unknown [occasional treat] | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Celery | 2-4 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Chard | almost daily | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Chayote | ??? | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Cherimoya | ??? | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Cherries | 2-4 per week [25 grams] | USDA | 3/5 stars |
Cilantro (Coriander, Chinese parsley, dhania) | almost daily [25 grams] | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Collard Greens | 1-2 per week | USDA | 3/5 stars |
Corn | 1-2 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Corn, Baby | 1-2 per week | Nutrition & Food Science | 4/5 stars |
Cranberries | 2-4 per week [25 grams] | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Crowberries | 1 per week? | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Cucumbers | 2-4 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Cucumbers, Lemon | 2-4 per week | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Cucumbers, Old | 2-4 per week | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Currants | 2-4 per week [25 grams?] | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Dandelion Greens | 2-4 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Dill | 1-2 per week [25 grams] | USDA | 4.5/5 stars |
Eggplant | 1-2 per week | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Eggplant, Thai | 1-2 per week | n/a | 4/5 stars |
Feijoa | 1-2 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Fennel | ??? | World's Healthiest Foods | 5/5 stars |
Figs | 1 per week [1 medium] | USDA | 3/5 stars |
Frisée (Curly endive, chicory) | almost daily | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Gooseberries | almost daily [25 grams] | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Grapefruit | 1 per 2 weeks | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Grapes | 2-4 per week [25 grams] | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Grapes, Black Corinth (Champagne grapes) | 2-4 per week [25 grams] | USDA | 3/5 stars |
Grass | ??? | n/a | n/a |
Grass, Wheatgrass | ??? | n/a | 4.5/stars |
Green Beans (string bean, snap bean, ejotes) | 2-4 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Guava, Mexican | 1 per week? | USDA | 3.5/5 stars |
Hay | daily | Guinea Lynx Hay Chart | varies |
Horned Melon (kiwano, jelly melon, hedged gourd, melano) | ??? | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Huckleberries | 1-2 per week | USDA | 3/5 stars |
Jicama (yam bean, Mexican turnip) | ??? | USDA | 3/5 stars |
Jerusalem Artichoke (sunchoke, sunroot, earth apple) | 1-2 per month | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Kale | 1-2 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Kiwi | 1-2 per week | USDA | 3/5 stars |
Kiwi, Passion Poppers | 1-2 per week | n/a | 2/5 stars |
Kohlrabi | 1-2 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Kumquats | ??? | USDA | 1.5/5 stars |
Lemons | ??? | USDA | 1/5 stars |
Lemongrass | occasionally? | nutrition-and-you.com | 2/5 stars |
Lettuce, Butterhead | almost daily | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Lettuce, Green Leaf | almost daily | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Lettuce, Oakleaf | almost daily | 5 a Day | 5/5 stars |
Lettuce, Red | almost daily | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Lettuce, Romaine | almost daily | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Limes | ??? | USDA | 1/5 stars |
Lychees (Litchis) | ??? | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Mango, Champagne | 1-2 per week | USDA | 4.5 stars |
Mangosteen | ??? | nutrition-and-you.com | 5/5 stars |
Marigold | 1 per week??? | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Marjoram | ??? | n/a | 4/5 stars |
Melon, Canary | 1-2 per week | myfitnesspal | 5/5 stars |
Melon, Cantaloupe | 1-2 per week | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Melon, Honeydew | 1-2 per week | USDA | 3/5 stars |
Melon, Pepino (pepino dulce, melon pear, tree melon) | ??? | J. Elementol. | 4/5 stars |
Melon, Sakata Sweet | 1-2 per week | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Melon, Santa Claus (Christmas melon, piel de sapo) | ??? | n/a | 4/5 stars |
Micro Greens | ??? | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | 3/5 stars |
Miner's Lettuce (Indian lettuce, winter purslane) | 1-2 per week? | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Mint Leaves | 2-3 per week | n/a | 1/5 stars |
Mustard Greens | 1-2 per week | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Nectarines | 1-2 per week | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Nectarines, Mango | 1-2 per week? | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Okra | 1-2 per week | USDA | 2/5 stars |
Oranges | 1-2 per week [peels: 2-4 per week, 25 grams] | USDA | 5/5 stars [peels: 2.5/5 stars] |
Papaya | 1-2 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Parsley | 2-4 per week [25 grams] | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Parsnips | 1-2 per week | USDA | 3/5 stars |
Passion fruit (granadilla) | ??? | USDA | 2/5 stars |
Peaches | 1-2 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Pears | 1-2 per week | USDA | 3/5 stars |
Pears, Prickly | ??? | USDA | 3.5/5 stars |
Peas, Sugar Snap (Snap peas, mangetout) | 2-4 per week | USDA | 2/5 stars |
Peppers, Green | almost daily | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Peppers, Orange | 2-4 per week | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Peppers, Purple | almost daily | MyFitnessPal | 5/5 stars |
Peppers, Red | 2-4 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Peppers, White | almost daily | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Peppers, Yellow | almost daily | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Persimmons | 1 per week? | USDA | 4.5/5 stars |
Pineapple | 1-2 per week | USDA | 2/5 stars |
Plantains | 1 per month [very small amounts] | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Plums | 1-2 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Plums, Sour Green | 1-2 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Pluots | 1-2 per week | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Pomegranate | ??? | USDA | 3/5 stars |
Pomelos (pummelo, shaddock) | 1 per 2 weeks | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Pumpkin | 1-2 per week | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Quince | ??? | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Radicchio | almost daily | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Radishes | 1-2 per month | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Raisins | 1-2 per month [1-2 raisins] | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Raspberries | almost daily [25 grams] | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Raspberries, Golden | almost daily [25 grams] | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Romanesco Cauliflower (Romanesco broccoli) | 1-2 per week | 5 a Day | 5/5 stars |
Rosemary | 1 per week | USDA | 3/5 stars |
Sage | ??? | n/a | 2/5 stars |
Sapodilla (sapoche, sapote) | ??? | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Satsuma | 1-2 per week | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Spinach | 1-2 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Sprouts, Sweet Pea | 1-2 per week? | n/a | 4/5 stars |
Squash Blossoms | ??? | n/a | 4/5 stars |
Squash, Acorn | 2-4 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Squash, Bonbon | 2-4 per week | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Squash, Butternut | 2-4 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Squash, Calabaza | 2-4 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Squash, Carnival | 2-4 per week | Caloriecount.com | 5/5 stars |
Squash, Delicata | 2-4 per week | n/a | 4/5 stars |
Squash, Golden Nugget | 2-4 per week | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Squash, Honeynut | 2-4 per week | n/a | 4/5 stars |
Squash, Hubbard | 2-4 per week | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Squash, Kabocha | 2-4 per week | akhealthnews.com [Japanese] | 4/5 stars |
Squash, Red kuri | 2-4 per week | Wikipedia | 3.5/5 stars |
Squash, Scallop | 2-4 per week | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Squash, Spaghetti | 2-4 per week | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Squash, Sunshine | 2-4 per week | n/a | 4.5/5 stars |
Squash, Turban | 2-4 per week | n/a | 4/5 stars |
Squash, Yellow | 2-4 per week | USDA | 2.5/5 stars |
Starfruit (Carambola) | 1-2 per week | USDA | 3.5/5 stars |
Strawberries | almost daily [5 small] | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Sunberries (Wonderberries) | 1-2 per week | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Sweet Potatoes | 1-2 per month | USDA | 4/5 stars |
Tarragon | ??? | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Tatsoi (Spinach mustard, Spoon mustard, Rosette bok choy) | ??? | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Thyme | 1-2 per week [25 grams] | USDA | 3/5 stars |
Tomatoes, Cherry | almost daily [1] | n/a | 5/5 stars |
Tomatoes, Vine-Ripened | 2-4 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Turnip Greens | 1-2 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Turnips | 1-2 per week | USDA | 3/5 stars |
Ugli Fruit | ??? | Fruitsinfo; Ugli.com | 5/5 stars |
Watercress | 1-2 per week | USDA | 4.5/5 stars |
Watermelon | 1-2 per week | USDA | 5/5 stars |
Yu Choy (Green Choy Sum, Choisum, You Cai) | 1-2 per week | n/a | 3/5 stars |
Zucchini (courgette) | almost daily | USDA | 2/5 stars |
Key sources: Guineapigcages.com Veggie and Fruit Chart; Ly&Pigs;
Can they eat grape leaves?
ReplyDeleteAccording to one of the guineapigcages.com admins, they are edible. Another user claims that guinea pigs love them. We've never tried them, though, so we can't speak to that.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteCan they eat carrot tops or carrot leaves?
ReplyDeleteThe diet expert at guineapigcages.com says: "Carrot tops contain much more calcium than the carrot themselves. They can be fed but only a couple times per week in limited amounts."
DeleteWhat is your advice about feeding Vietnamese mint?
ReplyDeleteWe did find one person who claimed to give their guinea pigs Vietnamese mint as a treat every so often. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to find anything definitive about whether it's safe or not, so you might want to avoid feeding it just to be on the safe side.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI've always wondered about radishes. I eat the a lot so the moment he hears me crunching my baby boy goes crazy.. I've never given him a whole one, just a small bite but, I've wondered if it is ok for him.
ReplyDeleteI love pomegranates, and so does my piggy. I would give her a few kernels at feeding time and it was usually the first thing she ate from the bowl. Just wanted you to know, since there was a "?" by them
ReplyDeleteI'm sure I read somewhere pomegranates are fine. My babies love them as a treat, as I expect they contain a lot of sugar.
ReplyDeleteHow often can they have mange tout?
ReplyDelete2-4 times per week--see the chart above. They're listed under Sugar Snap Peas.
DeleteOliver and Sebastian notice that their humans eat avocado a lot, and wonder if they could taste a nibble safely?
ReplyDeleteI was wondering about avocado as well. What about mushrooms? Just portabella or white mushrooms
ReplyDeleteBrand new Guinea Pig owner and I love them! Just found this information and find all of it so helpful. Thank you!! Can't wait to start giving "the babies" fresh food!❤ Do they still need all the timothy hay and bagged food from the pet store in addition to some of your listed fresh items? I was planning on leaving all available for them at different times and according to the your guidelines for the fresh produce. Again, thank you for this wonderful very inclusive list and the wisdom of Lola, Buffy and Broccoli. Its fabulous!
ReplyDeleteGuinea pigs need to have hay to eat at all times.
DeleteAs for pellets you should feed about 1/4 of a cup to each pig every day.
I grow greens outside for my Russian tortoise. Can my piggies eat Lamium (Dead Nettle)? Or Hops leaves? Or Mulberry leaves?
ReplyDeleteWe just answered your question about lamium (dead-nettle) in a new post. We'll have to get back to you on the other two after we've had a chance to do some more research.
DeleteHey there
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking whether I can fed my cavies green foxtail grass?
Also plzz mention the commonly available grasses that I can feed my girls
Hey everyone
ReplyDeleteCan guinea pigs eat
It's a green herb I think..
It's a Mexican plant
If anyone knows
Thanks 😉
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